The Negative Effects of Special and Differential Treatment to Developing Countries: Case of Sanitary and Phytosanitary and Trade Barriers to Trade Google+

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Negative Effects of Special and Differential Treatment to Developing Countries: Case of Sanitary and Phytosanitary and Trade Barriers to Trade

There are negative effects of special and differential treatment to developing Countries. As a trade negotiator, I have been pondering on whether the aspect of special and differential treatment, which we in developing countries clamor for, is always good for us. I believe there are negative effects of special and differential treatment to developing countries. Is it true that developing countries, most especially least developing countries, cannot competitively engage in trade and integrate into the global economy, without having to apply a special and differential treatment in all situations? I ask this because the main objective of trade negotiations is to enable countries to meaningfully and competitively engage in trade at the global market without unnecessary barriers to trade. So is there a posibility that the developing countries may experience negative effects of special and differential treatment?

As a special and deferential treatment, Members of WTO, do not expect developing countries to implement international standards that are not appropriate to their development needs. (Refer to Article 12.4-12.5 of TBT and Article 10 of SPS Agreements). But this right could have negative effects on developing countries.  However, I feel that delaying to implement or failure to comply with international requirements under the guise of special and differential treatment could lead to developing countries and especially least developing countries loosing competitiveness in the global market. More so they risk being displaced in their own market, because even their own citizens do require safe and quality products. If they cannot get home made safe and quality products, they will import. On the whole, they might disintegrate from rather than competitvely engage in trade and integrate into the global market. Read the entire article on the Negative Effects of Special and Differential Treatment.

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