
Principles of competition Policy and Law

In order to ensure fair and equitable application of the Competition Policy and Law should be operated under the following principals;

1. Countries should ensure that such laws and regulation are clearly defined and readily available to the public.

2. The regulations in place should contribute to the development of domestic industries and economic development of the key sectors of the economy.

3. The Competition policy regime should encourage integration of the economy into regional and multilateral economies.

4. The competition policy regime, should be able to prohibit the following practices that are believed to be responsible for restraining competition in a given market;

a) Fixing of prices, including as to exports and imports;
b) Collusive tendering
c) Market or customer allocation arrangements
d) Allocation of as to sales and production
e) Concerted efforts leading to refuse to; deal, supply, sale or to bid rigging
f) Collective denial of access to an arrangement, or association
g) Mergers and acquisition
h) Abuse of dominant position by the use of predatory pricing, discriminatory
pricing, monoplistic tendecies resulting from mergers and acquisition,
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